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Choose the correct definition a, b or c.
a) a futile pursuit
Well done ! That’s the right answer.
A wild-goose chase is an absurd or hopeless pursuit, as of something unattainable.
French translation
peine perdue, une quête futile, une chasse au dahut
How NOT to translate : *une poursuite de l’oie sauvage
Examples in context
‘False distress signal sends Irish Coast and Rescue 116 helicopter on wild goose chase
An apparent false distress signal sent the Irish Coast Guard and the rescue helicopter on a wild goose chase last night.
An EPIRB alert was activated in the Dublin/Dun Laoghaire area shortly before 8pm yesterday evening.
This signal alerted the Dun Laoghaire Unit of the Irish Coast Guard who then called in the Rescue 116 to search for the exact position of the signal.
Residents in the area reported seeing the helicopter over Dublin Bay as it attempted to pinpoint the distress location.’, 8 Sept. 2016
‘Govt land commission just another wild goose chase
“Some people acquired farms on behalf of their children and used the correct ID numbers, but lied on the date of birth,” he added after his ministry had taken a batch of identity document numbers to the Registrar-General’s Office to get details of land reform beneficiaries, including dates of birth, as part of an interim audit.
The audit revealed massive irregularities in Zimbabwe’s land reform programme, which has been carried out in a chaotic and often violent manner since 2000.
Mombeshora revealed the land reform programme was marred by double allocation of farms, but said a comprehensive audit, which would cost the country US$$35 million, would reveal more details.’
Zimbabwe Independent, 25 June 2016
Everyday usage
The never ending search for the perfect mmo/game. Isnt it just a wild-goose chase ?
After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realised we were on a wild-goose chase.

b) a frantic pursuit
Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.
c) a romantic pursuit
Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.
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