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Choose the correct definition a, b or c.
a) a messed up recipe
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b) the state you’re in after a heavy meal
Well done ! That’s the right answer.
a food coma is the feeling of listlessness, bordering on sleep, that one feels after eating a large meal. The informal noun, particularly useful around the holiday season, describes a state of sleep or extreme lethargy induced by the consumption of a large amount of food.
French translation
être gavé
As, strangely enough, it hasn’t been easy to find a good French equivalent, a friend kindly offered to share their own personal coinage : *une bourrure – Thank you Jacques ! :)
How NOT to translate : *un coma de nourriture
Examples in context
‘Eating Out : Bathers Beach House, Fremantle
The chive-bombed sauce is silky smooth and rich, but light enough that I can finish the dish without feeling like I’m entering a sickly food coma.
Parmesan crumble adds texture and leek discs and asparagus placed on the side provide contrasting flavours — hearty cold-weather sustenance.’
The Advertiser, 13 June 2016
‘Rina’s Kitchenette in Lahore offers promising food, service and ambience
Although at this point we were ready to wave the white flag and were slowly giving in to the impending food coma, we could not leave without tasting the dessert. We ordered their Apple Fritters with Salted Caramel and Vanilla Ice Cream and while waiting for that, we were sent over their Panna Cotta. The perfect one comes down to three factors ; its jiggle, the sweetness and the cream.’
The Express Tribune, 13 June 2016
Everyday usage
I just ate six burgers, and I’m going into food coma.
Last night, 9 pm, I fell into a post-dinner food coma.

c) a great party
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