a) a sharp focus
Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.
b) an innovative standpoint
Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.
c) an overall view
Well done ! That’s the right answer.
A bird’s eye view is a view looking down at an object or area from a high elevation (as if from the perspective of a bird in flight).
As a figurative phrase, a bird’s eye view is a consideration of a problem or situation from a comprehensive perspective, an overall view.
French translation
une vue panoramique, une vue plongeante, une vue d’ensemble
How NOT to translate : *une vue d’œil d’oiseau
Examples in context
‘Bird’s-eye view could be key to navigating without GPS
A bird’s-eye view may take on new meaning thanks to Army-funded research. Scientists found that a protein in bird’s retinas is sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field thus guiding its migratory patterns. That finding could be key to Army navigation of both autonomous and manned vehicles where GPS is unavailable.’
Science Daily, 27 July 2021
Everyday usage
In order to determine why the company was headed towards a fiscal disaster, the CFO had to take a step back and get a bird’s eye view of the situation so she could find out the cause of the problem.
If you have a bird’s-eye view of a situation, you know what is happening in all the parts of it.

EnglishTonic and Claramedia, 11 March 2022
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