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Choose the correct definition a, b or c.
a) savings
Well done ! That’s the right answer.
"a nest egg" is an amount of money that has been saved or kept for a special purpose.
French translation
un petit pécule
How NOT to translate : *un œuf de nid
Examples in context
‘Is an Isa the best home for your nest egg ?
There are many Isa options open to savers these days, but the original tax-free vehicle is still worth a look
You only have until 5 April to take advantage of your £15,240 Isa allowance. So should you be investing your cash in an Isa ? And if so, what type should go for – cash, investment or the more risky “innovative” option ? Read on for the what, how, where and why of Isas…
Isas are accounts on which you will never have to pay tax. During the current tax year you can put £15,240 into an Isa and leave it there forever, and the interest or capital gains are free from tax. In extreme cases, some husband-and-wife couples have been able to build up £1m in Isas, with all the money they generate being tax-free.’
The Guardian, 25 March 2017
‘Don’t endanger nest egg to help your grown children
espite improving job prospects for recent college graduates, many are headed back to their parents’ homes to save money. They are not alone.
According to the Census Bureau, about one-third of 18- to 34-year-olds, or about 24 million, lived in their parents’ homes in 2015. And of the millions boomeranging back home, one in four, or about 2.2 million, neither attend school nor have jobs.’
Chicago Tribune, 13 June 2017
Everyday usage
Regular investment of small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg.
Businesses that have enacted cost-cutting measures recently may find themselves sitting on a nice nest egg.

b) a dish
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c) something fragile
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